Карма - это причинно-следственная связь, которая отражает какой мы выбор делали в прошлом и к какому настоящему он нас привел. Понимая что было в прошлом, мы можем это скорректировать и повлиять на настоящее, а значит, и на будущее.
Enter your birth details
(if your city was not determined by the system, select the nearest major city or enter the data yourself)
The name must be between 2 and 255 characters.
You chose the wrong date of birth.
You entered an incorrect time of birth.
Select a city of birth.
Select current city location.
Location of birth are incorrect.
The coordinates of the current location are incorrect.
You chose the wrong date of the forecast.
Time zone are incorrect birth city. Format 00:00 / -00:00. From -12:00 to 14:00
Time zone finding this city are incorrect. Format 00:00 / -00:00. From -12:00 to 14:00
Select country of forecast
Select formula of forecast.
You have not selected the Formula.
You have not selected a country.
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