General Daily Forecast
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Moon in Libra
16 february 2025
10 february Moon in Cancer
These days it intensifies maternal feelings and all feminine qualities, is reflected in household and family affairs and also sharpens intuition, insight and imagination. The Moon in Cancer enhances romantic moods, makes people more sensitive, sentimental, prone to dreaminess and memories. At this time, there may be an irresistible desire to look through photo albums, visit places where childhood was spent, meet parents. Relations with the opposite sex become more sincere and emotionally filled. The maternal instinct, the desire to patronize is more strongly manifested. At the same time, people become more vulnerable and touchy, more often than usual, mood swings and whims occur. There is a possibility of falling under strong extraneous influence, since any manifestation of sympathy and participation inspires confidence in the person showing them. People want to be treated kindly, reassuringly, they tend to believe promises. Usually at this time it is possible to solve the most difficult tasks, poems are well written, high mental performance is maintained, but the sense of ownership is noticeably enhanced and sometimes there are difficulties in money matters. Schoolchildren may have difficulty with the exact sciences.
Under the Moon in Cancer, it is good to conceive a child: women have an increased ability to conceive and spermatozoa are especially active. At this time, people are also prone to excesses in eating and drinking, which can cause digestive disorders. The acidity of gastric juice in people of day birth increases and in people of night birth it decreases.
Impulsivity, emotional instability, anger, indefatigable activity - these are the companions of people at this time. People become excitable, a trifle can cause a violent reaction. Quarrels and squabbles break out in public places every now and then. People speak loudly and often in raised tones, they are annoyed by everything: children who dig too long and may be late for school; a janitor who did not sprinkle sand on the path; car blocking the road a conductor who shouts too loudly; a seller who, out of harm, slips the wrong product; an employee talking on the phone not on business; the boss who so inopportunely calls to himself and so on. It seems that everyone is looking for something to complain about in order to throw out their bad mood, the accumulated irritation. At the same time, a person may be indignant at the rudeness and not notice his own tactlessness. Most of all, households and those who, by the nature of their service, are forced to contact with a large influx of people suffer from this: cashiers, conductors, sellers, etc. Women react especially sharply to everything, since the Moon is their main planet. At this time, it is more difficult for men to restrain their natural instincts, they become rougher, more aggressive, including in sex. In extreme cases, especially under alcoholic vapors, fights are possible, in the family - assault, children often fall under the hot hand.
Work does not stick due to nervousness, haste of action, impatience and distractions, domestic problems. Emotional overstrain leads to overload, it is difficult for a person to stop, which can lead to both physical and emotional exhaustion.
It is undesirable to use items that can hurt, but this usually remains at the level of recommendations, since it is at this time that you have to repair one thing or another. On such days, a fire can start in the house, pipes burst, sewers break through. Housewives cut their fingers with knives and in industries related to fire, moving mechanisms, cutting tools, the number of injuries is increasing.
Chronic diseases are exacerbated, the risk of gastric problems increases due to the desire for too hot and spicy food. There is a danger of acute poisoning. Pregnant women should be especially careful, as the risk of abortion increases on such days. The risk of an accident increases and if confirmed by other aspects, there is a risk of fire. Danger from water, severe wounds.
- Avoid conflicts, disputes, manifestations of intolerance, outbursts of anger.
- Observe safety precautions both at work and at home.
- Be careful when using sharp, cutting and piercing objects and tools, moving mechanisms.
- Be careful with fire, poisonous liquids.
- Be attentive to food, exclude very hot food, spicy seasonings.
- Be careful in your statements.
Not recommended
- Start new businesses and enterprises, start working in a new place.
- Carry out transactions, negotiate, sign contracts, especially those relating to real estate.
- Make important decisions, make important appointments, communicate with the public.
- Make requests to high authorities or seek the location of high-ranking people.
- Get involved in disputes, conflicts, confrontations.
- Make repairs, move.
- Borrow money, do shopping and homework. Start travelling, make new friends.
- Participate in entertainment events, parties, especially if alcohol is supposed to be consumed there.
This is the day when a person manages to do a lot due to composure, diligence, planning his day. Emotional stability is noted, even some coldness, detachment and isolation, but at the same time politeness and courtesy. There are almost no delays on this day, empty talk too, people plunge headlong into work, clearly fulfill their duties, become more attentive and disciplined. It is difficult to deceive anyone during this period, people become vigilant, cautious and distrustful. A very good time for solving production issues, meetings, planning, budgeting, balancing and budgeting. This day is especially favorable for accountants, financiers, tax officials, dispatchers, that is, those who need attention, concentration and diligence in their work.
This time is also favorable for purchases, as people are not inclined to spend money, so they buy only what they really need. You can count on the help and advice of a female boss or an elderly woman. It is possible that an aged relative will need help. Children at this time do not cause much trouble, although they require additional care.
You can carry out cleansing procedures, massage, therapeutic exercises, exercises to strengthen the musculoskeletal system, but if all this is agreed with the attending physician.
- Negotiate, do important and urgent business.
- Put things in order, including putting things in order at home and at work.
- Pay bills, pay off debts, resolve other issues related to finances.
- Engage in planning, make estimates, start repairs or construction.
- Visit parents, elderly relatives, help them if necessary.
- Plant trees, do homework.
This day will bring an element of surprise and something new to life. It can be sensational news, a sudden idea that radically changes the situation, an epiphany - a person suddenly “sees” what is really happening. This is the time of inspiration, there is a desire to go beyond the usual circle of things, you want something new that excites the mind and soul. Someone is immersed in scientific research, someone is looking for new sensations in love. A very favorable time for scientists and creative people, decisions and ideas seem to be born out of nowhere, but in fact they have matured and hatched for a long time, all thoughts and reasoning accumulated in the subconscious; Uranus with which the Moon comes into contact on this day, illuminates the depths of the subconscious and the decision formed there comes to the surface. Usually people note that on such days the solution of problems comes to them as if by itself and it is so natural that they are surprised how it had not occurred to them before.
As for love relationships, at this time an acquaintance is possible under unusual circumstances or a sudden outbreak of passion (love at first sight), when a person disconnects from ordinary life and forgets about everything. On such a day, random short-term betrayals most often occur. The actions of this day are like an explosion - a short flash and then the ruins. If a new passion was avoided, then even in the already established relationship between partners, a spark jumps on this day, meetings or intimate contacts take place more vividly, passionately and unusually.
Pleasant surprises are also possible in family life, for example, a new unusual tenant settles in the house: an exotic animal, a cat or a dog of a rare breed. Or a computer appears, friends unexpectedly come to visit with good news, etc.
- Start fundamentally new or unusual projects.
- Introduce progressive methods and technologies, make rationalization proposals or introduce inventions.
- Engage in scientific research, read specialized literature.
- Communicate with friends and like-minded people, make plans, work together.
- Buy electrical appliances, electronic equipment, cars, telephones, etc.
This day does not guarantee the absence of problems. At best, this day evokes lofty feelings in a person, a poetic mood, a creative upsurge. There is a need to listen to high art. At this time, even people who are far from art can write poetry or music. It is on such days that people think about the soul, about God, about the meaning of life. They think they know a lot about it, but they can't remember. Then they go to those who they think will help them remember. During this period, people visit psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, confessors much more often. They can go to a fortuneteller or medium, take part in a seance. Relations in the family and with dear people at this time are extremely trusting and especially sincere, secrets are more easily trusted, secrets are revealed. But also at this time people become more amorous, romantic, inclined to idealize a partner.
If negotiations are scheduled for this period, then, on the one hand, it is easier to reach an agreement, but on the other hand, a person whose Neptune in the chart has a higher cosmic status is in a more advantageous position (you can see what it is for you personally, by compiling a Natal Chart on our website). To avoid negative consequences, you need to listen to your intuition.
In patients during this period of time, the general condition and mood improves.
- Do creative work.
- Attend church and other holy places, take the rite of baptism.
- Buy items to decorate your home.
- Start traveling, boat trips (if there are no contraindications to that).
- Carry out water procedures.

From 11 to 13 february Moon in Leo
The Moon in Leo makes people active, more optimistic, sensitive to signs of attention and compliments. They tend to embellish reality, see everything in a rosy light, they have a strong craving for pleasure, they want holidays and entertainment. At such a time, you want to attract attention to your person, impress, fall in love and flirt. Feasts during this period are fun and large-scale. Money is spent on luxury items and all sorts of little things. This is the best time for fun and relaxation. Things are going well during this period, as the Moon in Leo enhances organizational skills and a thirst for action. The head works well. People easily grasp ideas, proposals to do or organize something. Often there is excitement, a person is ready to take risks if he feels that he can win. Relations with colleagues and superiors are good, everyone wants to like each other - so it’s a sin not to take advantage of the right moment to contact the authorities with requests and suggestions. The authorities usually do not refuse advice and assistance, both personally and in the work plan, especially if you are respectful and kind to them. People are impressed by the dynamism in contacts and deeds, they gratefully accept the manifestation of kindness and nobility.
Favorable time for activities with children. At school, children are proactive, creative, praise and encouragement help to intensify the work in the classroom. But at home, children often rebel against the despotism of their parents.
11 february
On this day, people are usually benevolent, become more delicate, condescending to the mistakes of others, which helps to solve business problems and resolve conflicts peacefully. Employees may note that their bosses at this time are more complacent and tend to take care of their subordinates, so you can contact them with personal requests. Grace also reigns in the family. Children become more obedient, help their parents, who, in turn, play with them with pleasure, visit places of entertainment and recreation. A good time for advertising, presentations, opening an exhibition, as well as for contacts with the public, establishing and using the necessary connections, social activities. At this time, people become more sensitive, sentimental and impressionable, looking for entertainment, attention, love. The mutual attraction of the sexes, the craving for intimate contacts, intimate conversations is increasing. This is a good time for a declaration of love, a marriage proposal, intimate meetings. High chance of conception. Restaurants, cafes and other places of recreation usually have more visitors than usual on these days. People tend to eat delicious food, they are constantly drawn to sweets. The risk of overeating increases, which entails an increase in body weight. Women can go shopping for no particular reason and get a special pleasure from shopping. At this time, it is difficult for them to restrain themselves from buying the thing they like.
- Make deals with female partners.
- Receive guests, arrange parties, banquets, family celebrations with richly laid tables.
- Go to places of entertainment with your family.
- Go to the theater, to a concert, to an exhibition, presentation or social event.
- Seek financial assistance from wealthy women. Buy and give gifts, put on new clothes.
- Buy items of women's wardrobe, fashion items, fur and silk clothes, items designed to decorate your home and yourself.
- Take care of home improvement.
- Confess love, make marriage proposals, marry.
The most auspicious day of the month. At this time, people are cheerful, optimistic and friendly, open to everything new. Things are going well, new opportunities are emerging, it is easy to find the right people and negotiate with them. A very favorable time for business, scientific work, training, travel, especially long-distance ones. People become more accessible and responsive, experience subconscious sympathy for each other, easily respond to requests for help. Time favors any undertakings, solving financial issues, negotiations, conclusion of large transactions. Possible profit or premium, promising offer. Politicians can use this time to their advantage, as social activity increases significantly. You can expect help from women, including high-ranking ones. In general, relations with them are as good as ever. In the family, peace, tranquility and mutual understanding, more time is devoted to children. The arrival of distant relatives or the arrival of guests is possible. This is a period of gifts, entertainment, joy and good luck. On the love front, a complete idyll.
Increased appetite on this day leads to overeating, the liver may suffer. It should be remembered that everything that was eaten on such a day is well absorbed by the body, and the excess is easily converted into fat. On the other hand, this is not the right time to start a diet or fasting session, you just need reasonable moderation in eating. Good for wellness activities and active sports such as equestrianism.
- Starting business, promoting new ideas, planning, opening and registering enterprises and firms, registering societies.
- Engage in scientific experiments, searches and developments.
- Participate in social, cultural or religious activities.
- Conduct large-scale events - symposiums, congresses, conferences, start olympiads, championships and other similar sporting events.
- Contact government agencies and departments.
- Receive foreign delegations, communicate with foreigners and negotiate with them, register joint ventures.
- Seek patronage of high-ranking people, negotiate with sponsors, publishers.
- Write abstracts, prepare essays, take exams, defend theses, dissertations.
- Visit church and holy places, hold talks and lectures on philosophical or religious topics.
- Consult with spiritual people, lawyers, file a lawsuit with the courts.
- Go on a business trip, work or study abroad. Go on a trip, on a hike, on an excursion with an educational purpose.
- Selling property, moving house, furnishing a house.
- Discuss family and personal plans, resolve conflicts, build relationships.
- Arrange family celebrations, banquets, celebrations. Start a course of treatment and wellness procedures.
This day does not guarantee the absence of problems. At best, this day evokes lofty feelings in a person, a poetic mood, a creative upsurge. There is a need to listen to high art. At this time, even people who are far from art can write poetry or music. It is on such days that people think about the soul, about God, about the meaning of life. They think they know a lot about it, but they can't remember. Then they go to those who they think will help them remember. During this period, people visit psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, confessors much more often. They can go to a fortuneteller or medium, take part in a seance. Relations in the family and with dear people at this time are extremely trusting and especially sincere, secrets are more easily trusted, secrets are revealed. But also at this time people become more amorous, romantic, inclined to idealize a partner.
If negotiations are scheduled for this period, then, on the one hand, it is easier to reach an agreement, but on the other hand, a person whose Neptune in the chart has a higher cosmic status is in a more advantageous position (you can see what it is for you personally, by compiling a Natal Chart on our website). To avoid negative consequences, you need to listen to your intuition.
In patients during this period of time, the general condition and mood improves.
- Do creative work.
- Attend church and other holy places, take the rite of baptism.
- Buy items to decorate your home.
- Start traveling, boat trips (if there are no contraindications to that).
- Carry out water procedures.
Emotionally stressful day. Bad mood, inner restlessness, unaccountable fears, unmotivated aggression - this is what you can encounter at this time. It seems to a person that they are putting pressure on him, they want something from him, often he himself does not understand what exactly, but prepared to resist. At this time, the accumulated grievances usually hidden in the depths of the subconscious erupt. A person is disturbed by a subconscious sense of danger. Not understanding the true cause of this anxiety, he finds external causes. If attacks the first, he does not even realize it, since he sincerely believes that he is only defending himself and if he does not do this, then he will be crushed, destroyed, enslaved. Aggression can come from the person himself or be directed against him. On this day it seems that even the air is under a high voltage current, when opponents approach a critical distance, a spark jumps and hits both. There are no winners in this confrontation, both sides experience pain, so it is necessary to find every opportunity to prevent loud showdowns - they only exhaust forces and do not solve problems.
It is clear that in such a state it is difficult to perform any constructive actions or make decisions. The one with the most self-control wins. The one who breaks down, screams and rages usually loses. So on a day like this before to decide on something, one must clearly realize that this step is not dictated by inflamed emotions. But if the conflict nevertheless occurred and it came to a break in relations, this must be accepted. Most likely, the relationship has become obsolete.
At this time, cases may arise that require urgent attention and cause great internal stress or forcing you to worry about the outcome of the case. This usually concerns household and family matters, but can also spread to work. Relations with parents (more often with mother) who try to insist on their own may worsen. Issues that are considered insoluble in the family are again raised. Dictatorial notes may appear and in a family with a low level of spiritual development, things can come to assault.
If there are indications in the natal chart (you can find out by compiling the Natal Chart in the "Independent Astrology" section), then you should beware of injuries, accidents, disasters. Sewer breaks in the house, fire, explosion are possible. There is a danger of theft, robbery, violence (especially for women).
Chronic diseases are exacerbated at this time, a crisis is possible in seriously ill patients. Frequent poisoning, headache, feeling of heaviness in the stomach and in case of overexertion - a nervous breakdown.
- Observe safety precautions.
- Be extremely careful with fire, weapons, explosives.
- Avoid public speaking, crowded places.
Not recommended
- Start new businesses and enterprises, start working in a new place.
- Make important decisions, make important appointments.
- Carry out transactions, negotiate, sign contracts.
- Sell or buy real estate.
- Contact with the public.
- Make requests to high authorities or seek the location of high-ranking people.
- Succumb to the influx of emotions, get involved in disputes, conflicts, confrontations.
- Make repairs, move.
- Borrow money, do shopping and homework.
- Start travelling, make new friends.
- Participate in recreational activities, parties.
12 february
The most auspicious day of the month. At this time, people are cheerful, optimistic and friendly, open to everything new. Things are going well, new opportunities are emerging, it is easy to find the right people and negotiate with them. A very favorable time for business, scientific work, training, travel, especially long-distance ones. People become more accessible and responsive, experience subconscious sympathy for each other, easily respond to requests for help. Time favors any undertakings, solving financial issues, negotiations, conclusion of large transactions. Possible profit or premium, promising offer. Politicians can use this time to their advantage, as social activity increases significantly. You can expect help from women, including high-ranking ones. In general, relations with them are as good as ever. In the family, peace, tranquility and mutual understanding, more time is devoted to children. The arrival of distant relatives or the arrival of guests is possible. This is a period of gifts, entertainment, joy and good luck. On the love front, a complete idyll.
Increased appetite on this day leads to overeating, the liver may suffer. It should be remembered that everything that was eaten on such a day is well absorbed by the body, and the excess is easily converted into fat. On the other hand, this is not the right time to start a diet or fasting session, you just need reasonable moderation in eating. Good for wellness activities and active sports such as equestrianism.
- Starting business, promoting new ideas, planning, opening and registering enterprises and firms, registering societies.
- Engage in scientific experiments, searches and developments.
- Participate in social, cultural or religious activities.
- Conduct large-scale events - symposiums, congresses, conferences, start olympiads, championships and other similar sporting events.
- Contact government agencies and departments.
- Receive foreign delegations, communicate with foreigners and negotiate with them, register joint ventures.
- Seek patronage of high-ranking people, negotiate with sponsors, publishers.
- Write abstracts, prepare essays, take exams, defend theses, dissertations.
- Visit church and holy places, hold talks and lectures on philosophical or religious topics.
- Consult with spiritual people, lawyers, file a lawsuit with the courts.
- Go on a business trip, work or study abroad. Go on a trip, on a hike, on an excursion with an educational purpose.
- Selling property, moving house, furnishing a house.
- Discuss family and personal plans, resolve conflicts, build relationships.
- Arrange family celebrations, banquets, celebrations. Start a course of treatment and wellness procedures.
On this day, there is increased emotional excitability, a sharp change in mood, uncontrollable reactions, sharp impulsivity, which entails increased injuries and various kinds of accidents. A person on such a day often does strange things that do not fit into the framework of normal behavior. In extreme cases, hysterical reactions and complete uncontrollability of one's own reactions and emotions are possible. There may be a feeling of inner anxiety, tormenting premonitions, disturbing dreams. The daily routine is disrupted due to personal problems, unforeseen circumstances, accidents. The number of lateness and absenteeism is increasing, communication failures, traffic jams, breakdowns of electrical appliances and power outages are possible. Computers may "refuse to work" for no apparent reason, but once that day has passed, they may start working on their own. A difficult period for dispatchers, drivers and train drivers. There are problems with friends and colleagues, both emotional and material. If you do not stop in time, then things can come to a break in relations. Especially great difficulties arise in communication with women. Acquaintance on this day is unfavorable, as it will not last long and will eventually bring disappointment or trouble. Emotional problems also affect family relationships, often quarreling spouses cannot remember how the scandal started. Increases the likelihood of spontaneous adultery. The house may also be threatened by physical danger, such as a lightning strike, a gas explosion, natural disasters, but this is if there is an indication of this in the natal chart. At the most inopportune moment, unexpected guests may appear. Or from a comfortable sofa on which you are located after a working day, you will be swept away by unexpected news and you will have to go somewhere.
Due to overexcitation of the nervous system, dizziness, heart failure, trembling in the body, colic or other unpleasant sensations in the stomach, a feeling of coldness in the limbs and numbness of the fingers may begin. The number of spontaneous miscarriages and premature births is increasing. Limb fractures, electric shock, falls from a height and other injuries are possible.
Not recommended
- Start any business.
- Conduct scientific testing of new technology.
- Engage in the reorganization of production, introduce rationalization proposals, inventions, scientific ideas.
- Buy electrical appliances, technical and electronic devices, telephones, cars.
- Engage in trading, speculative activities, play on the stock exchange or gamble, buy shares, engage in other financial affairs.
- Go on a trip, move to a new place of residence.
- Make repairs or start construction.
- Engage in the repair of electrical appliances, computers or other fine equipment.
- Engage in sports and dangerous physical exercises (in which there is a high risk of injury).
13 february
Troubled day. Difficulties in communication arise, as information is perceived too emotionally. An ordinary remark can be taken as a personal insult and an innocent compliment can be mistaken for courtship. People can notice the little things, but miss the important. In addition, the likelihood of delays increases, since public transport can run out of schedule and a personal car can get stuck in traffic jams that are formed due to poor understanding of road users. Male drivers are especially annoyed by female drivers on this day. The work is not progressing well, because something constantly distracts from it - phone calls on business and idle (at this time the number of incorrect connections increases), late visitors, overly excited and chatty colleagues. Papers, documents, keys, other small items are lost, the right people are not in place. It is clear that all this causes irritability, people become nervous and excited. From absent-mindedness and inability to concentrate, the likelihood of errors increases. Dispatchers, brokers, notaries, everyone who needs special care and speed of reaction in their work should be especially careful on this day.
At this time, conflicts are possible with female neighbors, work colleagues, children, who can annoy with their dullness, lack of concentration, excessive fussiness and talkativeness; with relatives and friends who can come without a call at an inopportune time and start complaining about life or gossip. In general, rumors and gossip spread especially quickly and in large numbers.
The day is dangerous with the likelihood of receiving incorrect information, unproductive financial spending and physical ailments. Due to haste and nervousness, people can eat quickly without chewing food properly, swallowing a lot of air, which leads to discomfort in the stomach. On this day, you need to dress according to the weather, as the likelihood of getting colds or viral diseases increases.
Not recommended
- Make important decisions, negotiate, schedule business meetings and conferences.
- Prepare and sign documents and other important papers and contracts.
- Make trips, go on a business trip, move to a new place of residence.
- Be a mediator, give lectures, speak at meetings, arrange meetings.
- Compile and submit for verification reports, business notes, write statements.
- Edit and correct texts.
- Engage in advertising, communicate with representatives of the people.
- Sell or buy real estate. Exchange something, make purchases.
- Arrange family holidays, receive guests and pay visits yourself, attend secular parties.
- Practice hardening.
On this day, there is increased emotional excitability, a sharp change in mood, uncontrollable reactions, sharp impulsivity, which entails increased injuries and various kinds of accidents. A person on such a day often does strange things that do not fit into the framework of normal behavior. In extreme cases, hysterical reactions and complete uncontrollability of one's own reactions and emotions are possible. There may be a feeling of inner anxiety, tormenting premonitions, disturbing dreams. The daily routine is disrupted due to personal problems, unforeseen circumstances, accidents. The number of lateness and absenteeism is increasing, communication failures, traffic jams, breakdowns of electrical appliances and power outages are possible. Computers may "refuse to work" for no apparent reason, but once that day has passed, they may start working on their own. A difficult period for dispatchers, drivers and train drivers. There are problems with friends and colleagues, both emotional and material. If you do not stop in time, then things can come to a break in relations. Especially great difficulties arise in communication with women. Acquaintance on this day is unfavorable, as it will not last long and will eventually bring disappointment or trouble. Emotional problems also affect family relationships, often quarreling spouses cannot remember how the scandal started. Increases the likelihood of spontaneous adultery. The house may also be threatened by physical danger, such as a lightning strike, a gas explosion, natural disasters, but this is if there is an indication of this in the natal chart. At the most inopportune moment, unexpected guests may appear. Or from a comfortable sofa on which you are located after a working day, you will be swept away by unexpected news and you will have to go somewhere.
Due to overexcitation of the nervous system, dizziness, heart failure, trembling in the body, colic or other unpleasant sensations in the stomach, a feeling of coldness in the limbs and numbness of the fingers may begin. The number of spontaneous miscarriages and premature births is increasing. Limb fractures, electric shock, falls from a height and other injuries are possible.
Not recommended
- Start any business.
- Conduct scientific testing of new technology.
- Engage in the reorganization of production, introduce rationalization proposals, inventions, scientific ideas.
- Buy electrical appliances, technical and electronic devices, telephones, cars.
- Engage in trading, speculative activities, play on the stock exchange or gamble, buy shares, engage in other financial affairs.
- Go on a trip, move to a new place of residence.
- Make repairs or start construction.
- Engage in the repair of electrical appliances, computers or other fine equipment.
- Engage in sports and dangerous physical exercises (in which there is a high risk of injury).

From 14 to 15 february Moon in Virgo
The Moon in Virgo makes people critical, nervous, even quarrelsome. A person's readiness to indulge in pleasures gives way to efficiency. Daydreaming is replaced by concentration, the desire to put things in order, put everything in its place, get new information and find a place for it. The slightest negligence, inaccuracy irritates. The ability to generalize is weakening, there is a danger of getting confused in the details. Objective facts are more conspicuous. Auditors and controllers at this time are more picky and pedantic. Under the influence of the Moon in Virgo, there is a growing desire to interfere in other people's affairs with the best of intentions and the desire to help. At this time, there are more trades than usual, but they are full of stipulations and conditions.
All of the above is reflected in school life. Teachers are becoming more demanding of students' answers. Students, in turn, tend to doubt the correctness and accuracy of the data given by the teacher. This is not the best time for a romantic relationship, as the partner's mistakes are more conspicuous, which means that mutual recriminations become more frequent.
When the Moon is in Virgo, one must be attentive to dietary issues, since due to increased nervousness, digestive problems are possible. On days when the Moon is in the sign of Virgo, it is useful to conduct a short-term fast or begin a long course of fasting. But fasting should be no more than once a month, and each person needs to individually choose the day and phase of the moon to start fasting. It should be remembered that fasting is contraindicated for some people, even for healthy people, not to mention the sick. Alcohol during this period is a poison that strongly affects the nervous system.
14 february
This is a time of influx of strength and energy. People seem to wake up, become active, more proactive, they are literally overwhelmed with a thirst for activity. At this time they can do more than on other days and they do it with joy. There is a danger of not noticing the overexpenditure of strength, but physical fatigue these days is compensated by satisfaction from what has been done. At this time, men are more willing to respond to requests to fix something in the house and housewives spend more energy on home improvement and cleaning.
At work, productivity also increases, especially if the work is physical. People engaged in mental work also find where to apply physical force. For example, you will have to move tables or bring boxes of papers. The general high spirits and optimism also affect speech, it becomes emotionally rich, assertive, bright, which is very good to use for advertising purposes (if the moon phase allows).
Declarations of love will also be hot, besides, the libido increasing these days gives additional passion to confessions. On this day, the contradictions between the sexes are smoothed out, they quickly find a compromise and common ground. Men become more courageous and persistent, women become more passionate and accommodating, and the probability of conception increases by an order of magnitude.
On such days, appetite usually increases. All processes in the body proceed faster, including digestion. You can afford heavier food and a glass or two of strong noble drink.
- Do physical labor: make repairs, troubleshoot, restore order in the house, equip housing.
- Start new business, move to a new place of residence.
- Exercise, run, stay active. Participate in team sports with your family.
This day can be summed up in one word - irrepressible. At such a time, people want to embrace the immensity, their emotions are whipping over the edge. Also, in this case, extreme manifestations are observed. A person can be overly generous, trusting, loving, sentimental, which gives rise to recklessness, indiscretion, unjustified generosity, extravagance, as well as the danger of falling into the hands of swindlers. On the other hand, such negative traits as intolerance, irascibility, suspicion may appear, a person becomes arrogant, takes on the right to teach others.
At this time, it is easy to take wishful thinking, overestimate your capabilities and underestimate your competitor, get involved in an adventure, which leads to mistakes and further disappointments and financial losses. On such a day, it is better to beware of signing important agreements and making promises, as they will be difficult to fulfill. Also, one should not succumb to impulse, make grand gestures and generous gifts. People in general on such a day tend to overspend and allow themselves a lot of things that they don’t do on other days. It should be remembered that the emotional outburst and the desire to show oneself will pass quickly, because on this day people are quickly inspired, but just as quickly lose interest in the subject that inspired them.
Disagreements are possible in the family. Parents, for example, cannot agree on which school the child should be sent to, what additional classes to choose for him. Religious conflicts are possible. One of the spouses may consider that they encroach on his dignity, belittle his authority or may simply be jealous of a partner.
People with vascular and endocrine disorders should be careful, as the position of this day contributes to an increase in blood pressure; a so-called hormonal storm is possible, leading to an imbalance in the hormonal system. Moderation in eating, drinking and sex should be observed, as overloads can result in a stroke, heart attack, an attack of gallstone disease. Especially dangerous is the abuse of alcohol, in which it becomes difficult for a person to restrain himself and the sea becomes knee-deep.
Not recommended
- Start business, conclude financial transactions.
- Start large-scale social, political and sporting events.
- Register enterprises, firms and societies.
- Contact government agencies and departments.
- Receive foreign delegations, negotiate with them.
- Seek patronage of high-ranking people, negotiate with sponsors and publishers.
- Pass exams, defend theses and dissertations. Go on a trip, business trip, work or study abroad.
- Arrange family celebrations, banquets, celebrations.
- Start a course of treatment and wellness procedures.
This is a time of repressed emotions. A person on such a day, as they say, gets up "on the wrong foot." He does not like everything, he becomes picky and grumpy. And if you consider that he is not alone in such a state, then the picture becomes completely unsightly. Poor health, gloomy thoughts, depressed mood. A person is irritated not only by others, he does not like himself. Contacts at this time are difficult, as people are immersed in their inner experiences and sad memories, withdraw into themselves, see everything in black, they may experience a feeling of longing, hopelessness, abandonment. Those who have a similar configuration in the Radix (Natal Chart) feel especially bad. To find out, draw up your Natal Chart on our website. A “robot” state may occur, when a person mechanically performs his duties without much zeal and enthusiasm. Visitors to institutions note coldness, callousness, indifference of workers and increased bureaucracy on such a day.
Planned things fail, do not go according to plan, work falls out of hand, it is difficult to concentrate, the number of misses, mistakes and work-related injuries increases, safety rules are more often ignored, the risk of falling from a height, squeezing with heavy objects, pinching fingers or limbs increases. At this time, there is usually a lot of urgent work, a person may be charged with additional responsibilities due to which he is not able to fully fulfill his own or family problems interfere with work. Delays are frequent, not only due to one's own fault, but also due to external reasons. The authorities are also not in the best mood, so it is better not to catch his eye without the need, especially if the boss is a woman.
Old obligations may surface, they may require repayment of a debt, there will be a need for unforeseen expenses. There is no need to count on additional income.
There are problems with women - with a mother or a wife. Difficulties in communicating with children and grief because of them. The house does not please, the routine annoys and makes you sad, the older generation makes claims, is naughty, demands attention or gets sick. Everyone considers themselves misunderstood, deprived of attention, find a reason for resentment.
This time should be used to put things in order, thoughts and at home, to be alone.
During this period, all processes in the body slow down, food is digested more slowly, fluid is retained in the tissues. Appetite can fall to complete disappearance. Against this background, chronic diseases are exacerbated, especially those associated with the skeletal system, so-called “lumbago” occurs more often. The likelihood of colds increases. You should be more attentive to taking medications, they stay longer in the body, act more slowly, which must be taken into account. It should also be taken into account that at this time a person is very much immersed in himself and his feelings, therefore he can attach increased importance to certain unpleasant sensations. But just in case, at the right time for that, it is better to undergo a preventive examination.
Not recommended
- Start any business, enter into financial transactions, buy or sell real estate.
- Contact government agencies.
- Arrange family celebrations and other holidays.
- To go on a trip.
- Start a course of treatment and wellness procedures.
15 february
This is a time of influx of strength and energy. People seem to wake up, become active, more proactive, they are literally overwhelmed with a thirst for activity. At this time they can do more than on other days and they do it with joy. There is a danger of not noticing the overexpenditure of strength, but physical fatigue these days is compensated by satisfaction from what has been done. At this time, men are more willing to respond to requests to fix something in the house and housewives spend more energy on home improvement and cleaning.
At work, productivity also increases, especially if the work is physical. People engaged in mental work also find where to apply physical force. For example, you will have to move tables or bring boxes of papers. The general high spirits and optimism also affect speech, it becomes emotionally rich, assertive, bright, which is very good to use for advertising purposes (if the moon phase allows).
Declarations of love will also be hot, besides, the libido increasing these days gives additional passion to confessions. On this day, the contradictions between the sexes are smoothed out, they quickly find a compromise and common ground. Men become more courageous and persistent, women become more passionate and accommodating, and the probability of conception increases by an order of magnitude.
On such days, appetite usually increases. All processes in the body proceed faster, including digestion. You can afford heavier food and a glass or two of strong noble drink.
- Do physical labor: make repairs, troubleshoot, restore order in the house, equip housing.
- Start new business, move to a new place of residence.
- Exercise, run, stay active. Participate in team sports with your family.
This is a time of repressed emotions. A person on such a day, as they say, gets up "on the wrong foot." He does not like everything, he becomes picky and grumpy. And if you consider that he is not alone in such a state, then the picture becomes completely unsightly. Poor health, gloomy thoughts, depressed mood. A person is irritated not only by others, he does not like himself. Contacts at this time are difficult, as people are immersed in their inner experiences and sad memories, withdraw into themselves, see everything in black, they may experience a feeling of longing, hopelessness, abandonment. Those who have a similar configuration in the Radix (Natal Chart) feel especially bad. To find out, draw up your Natal Chart on our website. A “robot” state may occur, when a person mechanically performs his duties without much zeal and enthusiasm. Visitors to institutions note coldness, callousness, indifference of workers and increased bureaucracy on such a day.
Planned things fail, do not go according to plan, work falls out of hand, it is difficult to concentrate, the number of misses, mistakes and work-related injuries increases, safety rules are more often ignored, the risk of falling from a height, squeezing with heavy objects, pinching fingers or limbs increases. At this time, there is usually a lot of urgent work, a person may be charged with additional responsibilities due to which he is not able to fully fulfill his own or family problems interfere with work. Delays are frequent, not only due to one's own fault, but also due to external reasons. The authorities are also not in the best mood, so it is better not to catch his eye without the need, especially if the boss is a woman.
Old obligations may surface, they may require repayment of a debt, there will be a need for unforeseen expenses. There is no need to count on additional income.
There are problems with women - with a mother or a wife. Difficulties in communicating with children and grief because of them. The house does not please, the routine annoys and makes you sad, the older generation makes claims, is naughty, demands attention or gets sick. Everyone considers themselves misunderstood, deprived of attention, find a reason for resentment.
This time should be used to put things in order, thoughts and at home, to be alone.
During this period, all processes in the body slow down, food is digested more slowly, fluid is retained in the tissues. Appetite can fall to complete disappearance. Against this background, chronic diseases are exacerbated, especially those associated with the skeletal system, so-called “lumbago” occurs more often. The likelihood of colds increases. You should be more attentive to taking medications, they stay longer in the body, act more slowly, which must be taken into account. It should also be taken into account that at this time a person is very much immersed in himself and his feelings, therefore he can attach increased importance to certain unpleasant sensations. But just in case, at the right time for that, it is better to undergo a preventive examination.
Not recommended
- Start any business, enter into financial transactions, buy or sell real estate.
- Contact government agencies.
- Arrange family celebrations and other holidays.
- To go on a trip.
- Start a course of treatment and wellness procedures.
This day will bring an element of surprise and something new to life. It can be sensational news, a sudden idea that radically changes the situation, an epiphany - a person suddenly “sees” what is really happening. This is the time of inspiration, there is a desire to go beyond the usual circle of things, you want something new that excites the mind and soul. Someone is immersed in scientific research, someone is looking for new sensations in love. A very favorable time for scientists and creative people, decisions and ideas seem to be born out of nowhere, but in fact they have matured and hatched for a long time, all thoughts and reasoning accumulated in the subconscious; Uranus with which the Moon comes into contact on this day, illuminates the depths of the subconscious and the decision formed there comes to the surface. Usually people note that on such days the solution of problems comes to them as if by itself and it is so natural that they are surprised how it had not occurred to them before.
As for love relationships, at this time an acquaintance is possible under unusual circumstances or a sudden outbreak of passion (love at first sight), when a person disconnects from ordinary life and forgets about everything. On such a day, random short-term betrayals most often occur. The actions of this day are like an explosion - a short flash and then the ruins. If a new passion was avoided, then even in the already established relationship between partners, a spark jumps on this day, meetings or intimate contacts take place more vividly, passionately and unusually.
Pleasant surprises are also possible in family life, for example, a new unusual tenant settles in the house: an exotic animal, a cat or a dog of a rare breed. Or a computer appears, friends unexpectedly come to visit with good news, etc.
- Start fundamentally new or unusual projects.
- Introduce progressive methods and technologies, make rationalization proposals or introduce inventions.
- Engage in scientific research, read specialized literature.
- Communicate with friends and like-minded people, make plans, work together.
- Buy electrical appliances, electronic equipment, cars, telephones, etc.
This day is insidious in that it creates an unrealistic picture of what is happening. It may seem to a person that all people are nice and sympathetic and the problems are insignificant, so you should not waste time and nerves on them. At this time, people are not able to really assess what is happening, they are easily deceived and just as easily, voluntarily or involuntarily, deceive others. Neither intuition, nor premonitions, which are aggravated at this time, nor even prophetic dreams can change the situation. A person takes wishful thinking and no one and nothing can knock him out of a rainbow state of mind.
Sudden mood swings are possible - from a poetic, lyrical mood to tantrums, moaning, resentment, arising literally from nothing. People in general become very sensitive and vulnerable, they can react not only to an action or a word that they consider offensive, but also to an involuntary gesture, look, facial expression, to an association that they have in contact with someone and which they don’t even realize. Communication becomes difficult, as people often do not hear what the interlocutor is saying, but “float away” in their thoughts to no one knows where. Children become inattentive, hardly perceive the explanations of the teacher.
There may be a feeling of incomprehensible longing for the "high", the routine begins to annoy and people try to escape from it. If in your natal chart there is a negative aspect of the Moon with Neptune, then visions, fears, obsessive thoughts are possible. In order to see if you have it, you need to create a Natal Chart on our website. Such people may find solace in drunkenness or drugs. The same happens with people with a weak nervous organization and mental instability.
At work, the number of errors increases due to absent-mindedness, inattention and various distractions. People tend to shirk their duties, the number of delays is increasing. Any information received on this day requires additional confirmation. It is dangerous to deal with money, as you can mistake one bill for another or simply miscalculate. The number of thefts in transport, railway stations, markets and other public places is increasing. At this time, people become easy prey for scammers and all sorts of schemers, succumb to seemingly seductive offers. We must make it a rule: never buy anything, never sign anything and never agree to anything on such a day.
In love and family affairs, misunderstandings are possible, some secrets and secrets hidden from the partner may be revealed, for example, betrayal. Dating on this day, as a rule, ends in nothing. For example, a random partner disappears after a night of love and the coordinates that he leaves behind turn out to be incorrect. Heightened romantic emotions are not satisfied.
On this day, the likelihood of poisoning, gastric, intestinal, infectious diseases increases, sensitive people may have allergy attacks. You should not deal with chemically active liquids, you must be especially careful when taking medications. If you cannot avoid taking them, then you need to carefully read the labels, and slightly reduce the dose prescribed by the doctor. You should not undergo a medical examination, as there is a high risk of errors, they can confuse papers or analyzes.
Not recommended
- Start business, make important decisions, negotiate, sign contracts.
- Deal with foreigners, people of dubious reputation.
- Engage in speculation, invest money somewhere.
- Go on trips, especially by water, take baths, swim in open water.
- Deal with petroleum products, chemical liquids, drugs or alcohol.
- Play gambling, guessing, conduct mediumistic, spiritualistic or hypnotic sessions, seek advice from psychics.

16 february Moon in Libra
The Moon in Libra brings a good mood, people strive for contacts, they like entertainment and feasts. Everyone wants to spend time in a good company, meet friends, go to the theater, to an exhibition, to be creative. People crave flattery, they want to hear only pleasant things. At this time, susceptibility to beauty is aggravated, interest in the opposite sex is more pronounced. Improved relationships with family, friends and family. The Moon in Libra favors new contacts, but the connections established during this period are unreliable. Decisiveness weakens, decisions are easily changed. People are prone to disputes, but it doesn’t come to quarrels, Libra contributes to reconciliation and prudence. There is a readiness for partnership and peaceful negotiations. Flowers on the table, candles, soft music, light wine, sweets help to create a mood. Children are distracted and need calm guidance. These are the days of beauty, harmony and health. Great time to visit the theater, cinema and concert. Try to walk more.
At this time, people become unbalanced, touchy, women and children are whiny, very sensitive to lack of attention, they can be hurt even by a minor trifle and then they explode with a stream of complaints and reproaches. They may not notice how they themselves hurt and offend others. The sense of proportion is lost, so there is a full range of emotional manifestations from tantrums to demonstrative rejection. Most often, close and beloved people become victims of dissatisfaction with their internal state. At this time, the hormonal balance is disturbed, which causes a condition similar in manifestation to that in which women are during the so-called "critical days". These are whims, and tantrums, claims, resentments, complaints and ominous silence. It also plays a role which planets form a configuration with the aspect of the Moon and Venus. If Mars, then there will be tantrums and scandals, if Saturn, then resentment and withdrawal into oneself. If Uranus is outrageous, the Sun is demonstrative behavior. It is clear that such a state of mind is not conducive to high working capacity and diligence. People can take a break from work, arrange endless "smoke breaks" or coffee breaks, in which they can share their experiences with those who annoy them the least that day, and usually everyone is annoying, so conflicts at work can flare up for no particular reason. No wonder that at this time the number of complaints about the inattention and rudeness of employees towards customers is increasing. Visitors also do not remain in debt. So much energy is spent on emotions that there is no strength left for work.
Also at this time, problems arise with loved ones, in sex there is either dissatisfaction or a feeling of satiety, which gives rise to a desire to seek new sensations on the side. People seek that which can arouse feelings in them. Children also require increased attention on this day, they are capricious, naughty and prone to overexcitation.
Often there are problems with money, additional expenses for children or family may be required. It is better to refrain from shopping, as unreasonable spending is possible that will affect the financial situation of the family. There is a danger of spending too much money on pleasures that are difficult to refuse on such days. Other misunderstandings related to family money are possible.
Not recommended
- Borrowing money, shopping, dealing with money matters in general.
- Make appointments and important meetings for the day.
- Celebrate a wedding, arrange holidays, social receptions and presentations.
- Abuse alcohol, overeat.
- Too zealous in intimate contacts.
The most auspicious day of the month. At this time, people are cheerful, optimistic and friendly, open to everything new. Things are going well, new opportunities are emerging, it is easy to find the right people and negotiate with them. A very favorable time for business, scientific work, training, travel, especially long-distance ones. People become more accessible and responsive, experience subconscious sympathy for each other, easily respond to requests for help. Time favors any undertakings, solving financial issues, negotiations, conclusion of large transactions. Possible profit or premium, promising offer. Politicians can use this time to their advantage, as social activity increases significantly. You can expect help from women, including high-ranking ones. In general, relations with them are as good as ever. In the family, peace, tranquility and mutual understanding, more time is devoted to children. The arrival of distant relatives or the arrival of guests is possible. This is a period of gifts, entertainment, joy and good luck. On the love front, a complete idyll.
Increased appetite on this day leads to overeating, the liver may suffer. It should be remembered that everything that was eaten on such a day is well absorbed by the body, and the excess is easily converted into fat. On the other hand, this is not the right time to start a diet or fasting session, you just need reasonable moderation in eating. Good for wellness activities and active sports such as equestrianism.
- Starting business, promoting new ideas, planning, opening and registering enterprises and firms, registering societies.
- Engage in scientific experiments, searches and developments.
- Participate in social, cultural or religious activities.
- Conduct large-scale events - symposiums, congresses, conferences, start olympiads, championships and other similar sporting events.
- Contact government agencies and departments.
- Receive foreign delegations, communicate with foreigners and negotiate with them, register joint ventures.
- Seek patronage of high-ranking people, negotiate with sponsors, publishers.
- Write abstracts, prepare essays, take exams, defend theses, dissertations.
- Visit church and holy places, hold talks and lectures on philosophical or religious topics.
- Consult with spiritual people, lawyers, file a lawsuit with the courts.
- Go on a business trip, work or study abroad. Go on a trip, on a hike, on an excursion with an educational purpose.
- Selling property, moving house, furnishing a house.
- Discuss family and personal plans, resolve conflicts, build relationships.
- Arrange family celebrations, banquets, celebrations. Start a course of treatment and wellness procedures.
This day is insidious in that it creates an unrealistic picture of what is happening. It may seem to a person that all people are nice and sympathetic and the problems are insignificant, so you should not waste time and nerves on them. At this time, people are not able to really assess what is happening, they are easily deceived and just as easily, voluntarily or involuntarily, deceive others. Neither intuition, nor premonitions, which are aggravated at this time, nor even prophetic dreams can change the situation. A person takes wishful thinking and no one and nothing can knock him out of a rainbow state of mind.
Sudden mood swings are possible - from a poetic, lyrical mood to tantrums, moaning, resentment, arising literally from nothing. People in general become very sensitive and vulnerable, they can react not only to an action or a word that they consider offensive, but also to an involuntary gesture, look, facial expression, to an association that they have in contact with someone and which they don’t even realize. Communication becomes difficult, as people often do not hear what the interlocutor is saying, but “float away” in their thoughts to no one knows where. Children become inattentive, hardly perceive the explanations of the teacher.
There may be a feeling of incomprehensible longing for the "high", the routine begins to annoy and people try to escape from it. If in your natal chart there is a negative aspect of the Moon with Neptune, then visions, fears, obsessive thoughts are possible. In order to see if you have it, you need to create a Natal Chart on our website. Such people may find solace in drunkenness or drugs. The same happens with people with a weak nervous organization and mental instability.
At work, the number of errors increases due to absent-mindedness, inattention and various distractions. People tend to shirk their duties, the number of delays is increasing. Any information received on this day requires additional confirmation. It is dangerous to deal with money, as you can mistake one bill for another or simply miscalculate. The number of thefts in transport, railway stations, markets and other public places is increasing. At this time, people become easy prey for scammers and all sorts of schemers, succumb to seemingly seductive offers. We must make it a rule: never buy anything, never sign anything and never agree to anything on such a day.
In love and family affairs, misunderstandings are possible, some secrets and secrets hidden from the partner may be revealed, for example, betrayal. Dating on this day, as a rule, ends in nothing. For example, a random partner disappears after a night of love and the coordinates that he leaves behind turn out to be incorrect. Heightened romantic emotions are not satisfied.
On this day, the likelihood of poisoning, gastric, intestinal, infectious diseases increases, sensitive people may have allergy attacks. You should not deal with chemically active liquids, you must be especially careful when taking medications. If you cannot avoid taking them, then you need to carefully read the labels, and slightly reduce the dose prescribed by the doctor. You should not undergo a medical examination, as there is a high risk of errors, they can confuse papers or analyzes.
Not recommended
- Start business, make important decisions, negotiate, sign contracts.
- Deal with foreigners, people of dubious reputation.
- Engage in speculation, invest money somewhere.
- Go on trips, especially by water, take baths, swim in open water.
- Deal with petroleum products, chemical liquids, drugs or alcohol.
- Play gambling, guessing, conduct mediumistic, spiritualistic or hypnotic sessions, seek advice from psychics.
Good time to be active. People are full of energy, intuition works well, which helps to quickly find a solution. Sensitive people may feel that someone is leading them and telling them where to go and what to do. This, however, is not so far from the truth. At this time, deep memory wakes up and the knowledge that a person once possessed makes itself felt. The animal instincts that helped our ancestors to survive are awakening. For example, a mother whose child is ill, unknowingly
puts her hand on a sore spot, presses him to her chest and often, not possessing medical knowledge, clearly knows what and who can help her child. On such a day, literally everyone can manifest healing abilities.
Good time for politicians and public people. The words that they utter on such a day sink deep into the subconscious. If there is a strong leader, the crowd can follow him and the individual dissolves into this crowd and begins to obey it.
At the household level, this day can mean some positive changes in the house: housewives usually throw away old things, start a general cleaning or rearrangement in the house.
- Read popular lectures, address the people.
- Solve issues related to family finances, taxes, alimony, insurance.
- Seek help and support from powerful women.
- Make repairs, rearrangement in the house, update the interior.
- Carry out general cleaning, throw away unnecessary things.
- Start a diet, health course, cleansing procedures.