Love compatibility
The compatibility section of our website will help you evaluate your and your partner’s compatibility level based on four key factors: sexuality, psychological comfort, conflicts, the Seal of Happiness/ Seal of Misfortune.
We hope you realise that in professional astrology there is no such thing as simple Zodiac signs compatibility, which many are used to from various magazines and newspapers. Your true compatibility rate can only be calculated based on precise individual Natal Charts.
Sometimes we can be so emotionally invested in a relationship that we can’t see the full picture. Our compatibility section is designed to help you get an objective view of a relationship's potential and decide if it is worth the game.
We are proud to say that the statistics of reliable results in our compatibility calculation is very high, especially that we give a detailed analysis of the most important aspects that create it. You should keep in mind that not all of the four compatibility factors normally reveal themselves at the same time. Some may only manifest later in time, which makes it crucial to know what to expect from the very beginning.
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