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The basics of astrology and horoscope casting.

Enrollment is open! Classes begin March 21, 2025!

Why everybody should study astrology?

Because it is real personal growth training! We study the subject on our own chart, on our own horoscope, and also on the horoscopes of our loved ones. You can't even imagine what depth arises in understanding your own personality and in the personality of every other person.

The teaching method 

The teaching method is unique in that it is based on the developments of scientists, mathematicians and astrologers, based on statistical data and also, on the research of Anna Raight, who traveled to more than 40 countries testing this methodology.

According to the Socratic Committee on Science in London, this method was recognised as the best in Europe in 2016. Later, in 2017, they also noted that this concept has become an outstanding contribution to the civilisation process. 

So, for example, in the studies, conducted since 1984 together with physicians, a predisposition to infertility, epilepsy, cardiovascular, oncological and other diseases was found, due to certain combinations of planets at the time of a person’s birth. In the course of research conducted in 1988 at the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, the influence of planets relative to the horizon on the rate of chemical reactions was discovered.

What you get with our training courses:

Get firm confidence that you are living your own life, in the "good" city for you, with your talents, interests and partners "right" for you.
- You will know 100% exactly what needs to be done to reduce the negative in your life and increase the positive.
- Confidence that you are doing everything right and the Universe will always respond with real results (increase in income, long-awaited pregnancy, success in professional activities, quality relationships, health, etc.).
- Finally, you will be able to know exactly what awaits you ahead at any given time.
- You get rid of fear and uncertainty about whether it is worth moving or not, whether it is worth building a relationship with this person or not, changing your activity to some other one or not.
- Get a sought-after profession of the new millennium and a way to help other people, while earning good money, including, together with AstroForYou.ru.

Astrology is a whole centuries-old philosophy of life. You will get acquainted with the deepest understanding of reality through the prism of this wonderful science. Moreover, the method you will learn is scientific astrology, which has a mathematical and statistical basis, many studies that have been carried out in conjunction with hospitals, space companies, and you will be impressed with the results.

Classes will be held online by our general agreement:
2 times a week for 1.5 hours. The course is 24 hours in total.

After you register, we will contact you and clarify the schedule.

We are ready to present to your attention the First Step - a two-month online course on the Fundamentals of Astrology.
The classes are taught by the Master of Astrological Sciences with 15 years of practice experience, the founder of the AstroForYou.org service, Anna Raight.

Submitted topics:

- The philosophical foundation of classical astrology. In this section elemental elements, crosses will be studied.
- A brief historical overview of astrology.
- Astrological elements in astrology. Celestial sphere, system of celestial coordinates, precession, changes in time.
- Planets of the solar system.
- Zodiac signs. Division of Signs, their characteristics.
- Characterization and classification of planets from the point of view of the horoscope. Advantages and weaknesses of the planets, their movement.
- Planetary influences. Fictitious planets and other sensitive points.
- Fields (at home) of the horoscope.
- Aspects. Types of horoscopes.

After this course, you will see the interconnection of all elements of the universe, such a basic course is probably akin to metaphysics. You will learn the characteristics of the universal zodiac principles, which are the keys to all astrology. Without this understanding, it is hardly possible to become a really good astrologer, and simply, correctly and voluminously "read" the card. Let's start our school of astrology.

A complete astrology training course consists of 8 modules, each of which is devoted to a different topic:

LEVEL 1 - Basic (Fundamentals of astrology, building a horoscope).
A basic course to begin to understand astrological terminology and build your first professional horoscope, determine the nature and important vital signs (without a basic course you will not be able to go further - it will be very difficult and incomprehensible).

LEVEL 2 - Astropsychology and relationships (compatibility).
Astropsychology and Compatibility in Love / Business, in order to learn to understand psychological tendencies, the influence of parents on the subconscious and consciousness and, of course, be able to determine the quality of the relationship in a couple, the tendency to break (you will receive a technique that allows you to 100% determine whether there will be a break in a couple ), and in business - whether the partner will bring income or the relationship will be unprofitable.

LEVEL 3 - Analysis of the horoscope (methodology of the formula of events).
Analysis of the horoscope, where I give the most scientific method in the world of astrology "Event Formulas". From now on, you will literally learn how to CHOOSE your EVENT SERIES, as I have been doing for many years. You will learn how the Wealth Formula or the Love Formula is calculated.

LEVEL 4  - Karmic astrology.
A karmic horoscope, where we will look behind the canopy of conscious life and answer the question: "What am I doing here", "Why did my soul incarnate?", "What experience have I already gained?". Very entertaining and, most importantly, profound. And I will show you my own development to determine the specific place, city where you were born in your past life.

LEVEL 5 - Astrology professions.
Astrology of professions, in order to understand your talents and abilities, to find out what will be success and what will not. And how to manage this success. The research was based on the statistics of famous people and professionals.

LEVEL 6 - Predictive astrology, rectification (event astrology).
Predictive astrology - here we move to a complex professional level - predicting events. Let's learn how to make one of the most complex astrological calculations - rectification.

LEVEL 7 - Business astrology.
Business astrology is the topic of business, money, the specifics of working with enterprises, as well as making large purchases.

LEVEL 8 - Medical astrology.
Medical astrology will be especially relevant for people with a medical education or working in this field, since formulas for a huge number of diseases (including cancer) have been identified and there is an opportunity to improve doctors' performance in making a diagnosis.

About wealth and success, soul and happiness, ambitions and planets in the fall. All together - they are the key to how to develop leadership qualities, achieve inner harmony, reveal your uniqueness and, most importantly, manage your events!

To get the maximum knowledge and skills, I will help you personally.

Each course is designed for 2-3 months. Without a basic course, it is not recommended to go to any subsequent one - it will be difficult for you. This is possible only if you are familiar with the construction of the cosmorgamma and horoscope, know the influence of the planets, aspects, rulers, signs of the zodiac, houses, ascendant, planetary speeds, orbs, elements, crosses, etc.
If at least one word is unfamiliar and incomprehensible to you, you need to go to the basic course.

And, of course, you will have your own closed group in which you can exchange important information.

Let's get to know each other better.

My name is Anna Raight and I am absolutely in love with this world, its possibilities and astrology - as a tool that allows you to know this world.

It is for this reason that I once created this resource AstroForYou.ru, so that everyone has the opportunity to explore their own destiny and influence it consciously.

In short

➤ Master of Astrological Sciences (SPBAA), confirmed by an international diploma

➤ Head of the International School of Astrology

➤ Founder of the unique service of high-quality Astro calculations AstroForYou based on artificial intelligence technologies

➤ Member of the international organization of astrologers Inastro

➤ Founder of author's live trainings, marathons and webinars on Astrology, Astropsychology, personal growth

➤ More than 15 years of successful professional activity

➤ More than 5 years of teaching experience

➤ More than 4000 individual consultations around the world, which is confirmed by thousands of grateful reviews from satisfied customers

➤ Real cases of results for the people I worked with, even at the moment when the best doctors gave up (for example, a girl managed to conceive a child, thanks to the selection of the "right" place and time (before this year, the guys "did not succeed")).

➤ Exploring the concept of the "Formula of Events" has led to a lot of travel (more than 40 countries and a huge number of cities in the last 10 years).

➤ First education - economics.

➤ Producer and author of various creative projects. Thanks to the Formula of Wealth, she filmed a reality show in Los Angeles about debunking the myths of the modern world and global internal transformation from within to the external environment.

Big story about how I got into astrology

My name is Anna Raight, I am a professional astrologer with over 15 years of practice and 5 years of teaching experience. Graduated from St. Petersburg Academy of Astrology. Shestopalov in the status of a master of astrological sciences.
My path in the study of astrology began in 2007, when I quite “accidentally” got to the first open class, where the professor spoke with inspiration about all the possibilities of astrology. Then I thought: “well, I am ready to study this science and ... if, when I check all this, it works, I will broadcast it to the world!”. In the same year, I entered the Faculty of Economics and Management at the Enterprise. And, by a funny coincidence, she became a professional astrologer earlier (the training lasted 4 years in profile) than a professional economist.
I always thought that astrology would be only my hobby, but more and more immersed in the laws of the world order, I realized that I wanted to do only this, and when I learned, I really wanted people to learn about the colossal opportunities that are in front of us and which we do not use at all! And so, at one fine moment, I woke up and realized that I am an astrologer and do only this;)
The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to create a tool that would help everyone understand their planetary influences. So in 2011 I started working on a high-quality astrological service AstroForYou.ru. Now this is a large professional system of calculators, where you can calculate almost everything - from Personal qualities to an Individual forecast for the period of interest. And just recently we presented a new calculator - Event Formulas! This is a very complex calculation that allows you to see your event series and find out how it will change when you move. And we have created a way to control our reality.
Over the past 10 years, I have researched a lot: how various astrological combinations work, thanks to which I have traveled to more than 40 countries of the world and even filmed a reality show in Los Angeles about debunking the myths of the modern world with Hollywood actor Tommy Lister. And not without the help of astrology, of course (I calculated my Wealth Formula).
Now I continue my research, in connection with which I CHOOSE THE BEST OPTION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF EVENTS, which reality offers me at the moment. I do this through movement (the city is a critical factor for the implementation of an event).
In the course of working with people, I realized how important it is not only to help people by making forecasts and horoscopes for them, but also to give people knowledge about how this science works. Which led me to open the Anna Raight School of Astrology Education, where you can go through all levels of academic knowledge: from 0 to the real professional.
Now, in addition to teaching astrology, I conduct various seminars and marathons on personal growth, lead clients as a coach, helping them to understand various difficult life situations.

And I can’t even imagine how my life would have turned out without astrology! After all, she has always helped me out, helps me out and will help me out for many more years! Now I understand very well the well-known Tibetan proverb, which says that people come to astrology for their good deeds in the past, because they have the opportunity to manage their lives a little more. What I wish for you too!

Friends, with all clarifying questions, please write to anna.astroforyou@gmail.com or 61 426 648 389 (WhatsApp).
Astrology as a science
Synthetic sign
Planets, rulers
Zodiac signs
Lunar nodes
Strength and weakness of the planets
The meaning of aspects
Building a cosmogram
Building a horoscope
Houses of the horoscope

Friends, with any questions on training, you can contact Anna personally by writing to e-mail. anna.astroforyou@gmail.com

Self-Paced Recorded Sessions


460 $

Online learning from anywhere in the world
Access lessons from previous groups
Access to all current course entries
Adding to a private group in Facebook and chat in WhatsApp
Check for homework
Online presence with a teacher and the opportunity to ask questions
Analysis of charts of personal examples: your own and those close to you (almost personal consultation!)
One-on-one sessions with an astrologer (over 15 years of practice experience and 7 years of training)
In personal contact, the opportunity to analyze more people and in more detail.
Flexible training schedule: at any time with any number of hours and at any speed
Online Sessions On Personal Examples


550 $

Online learning from anywhere in the world
Access lessons from previous groups
Access to all current course entries
Adding to a private group in Facebook and chat in WhatsApp
Check for homework
Online presence with a teacher and the opportunity to ask questions
Analysis of charts of personal examples: your own and those close to you (almost personal consultation!)
One-on-one sessions with an astrologer (over 15 years of practice experience and 7 years of training)
In personal contact, the opportunity to analyze more people and in more detail.
Flexible training schedule: at any time with any number of hours and at any speed
Personal One-on-One Sessions


614 $

Online learning from anywhere in the world
Access lessons from previous groups
Access to all current course entries
Adding to a private group in Facebook and chat in WhatsApp
Check for homework
Online presence with a teacher and the opportunity to ask questions
Analysis of charts of personal examples: your own and those close to you (almost personal consultation!)
One-on-one sessions with an astrologer (over 15 years of practice experience and 7 years of training)
In personal contact, the opportunity to analyze more people and in more detail.
Flexible training schedule: at any time with any number of hours and at any speed
Complete course of 6 modules WITH THE PACKAGE "ALMOST A CONSULTATION".


$110 per month

When you buy 6 modules at once (that's 15 months of training) of the "ALMOST A CONSULTATION" package, you get a discount. You will pay only $210 per month and this includes analysis of your personal chart and the charts of your loved ones in classes with Anna Raight.

To confirm participation, you must deposit - $210 (advance payment for the first month).