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02/22/2022 what will this date bring us?

The beautiful mirror date 02/22/2022 will mark an extremely interesting, energy-charged period in people's lives. What is it about?

In one of the articles, I already mentioned that the frequency of Schumann in recent decades has been growing at an unprecedented rate. The Schumann frequency determines the so-called breathing of the Earth or the "heartbeat" of the Earth. Our planet is going through a unique period of raising its own vibrations. Humanity, following the increase in vibrations, must also synchronize with these processes. Such synchronization began at the end of 2019, when the planet Pluto came to the fore - the great cleaner, whose task is to change the very essence of a person, show him what no longer works and .... remove it. And then the energies of the other heavy planets became more active: Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, and, as we remember, a parade of planets took place. Uranus and Saturn over the last year especially have been actively showing which old models no longer work and directing attention to where humanity should move.

Many people know that we are on the verge of transition to the era of Aquarius - a time of altruism, mutual assistance, support, progressiveness and freedom. But freedom is not imaginary, but the real one: "Freedom, equality, fraternity!" However, in order to be able to find ourselves in this new era, we, first of all, ourselves must correspond to it, for which the whole space is preparing us.

But back to the date 02/22/2022. It is she who is the point of accelerating the synchronization of us and the new high-frequency energies coming to Earth.

So, with the discovery of each new planet, new frequencies began to arrive on Earth. The last planet discovered was Pluto (1930). Since this year, completely new energies have begun to influence all of Humanity. And, since Pluto's cycle is 247 years, it's safe to say that this is the bar of age to which our civilization will strive. The first cycle of Pluto will take place only by 2177. During this time, our civilization will be colossally transformed.

In numerology, the sequence of 222 numbers is often referred to as angel numbers. In addition, the number 2 in numerology indicates the energy of duality, partnership and balance. The key lessons in working with the number 2 usually focus on compromise, acceptance, compassion, cooperation, and harmony.

When 2 is in a sequence such as in 222, this energy is supercharged. It is a call to approach life with more compassion, to seek better balance, to work collaboratively with others, to seek partnerships whenever possible, and to strive for harmony.

This is especially important when we think about 2022! We could not have gotten through the last two years without compassion and cooperation. So much has changed in our world, especially the way we interact with others.

This date is very energy intensive, it is, as it were, a mechanism for turning on those new flows that are now in an active form coming to Earth. And the main thing in them is compassion, cooperation, friendship.

And the next generation will differ from the previous one, as described in the Vedas, by the presence of morality. It is mentioned there that the Aryan civilization has a conscience, but does not have morality, and it will be replaced by a civilization, the main quality of which will be precisely that very morality. And this date is the official "entry key".

It is also interesting that at the same time 247 years ago, Pluto was at exactly the same point, but then it had not yet been discovered. It was during this period that the American War of Independence took place.

In 1765, the British government passed the Stamp Act through Parliament, according to which all commercial and other civil documents were subject to a stamp duty. At the same time, it was decided to quarter English troops in America in the amount of 10 thousand people with the obligation of the Americans to provide them with housing, certain foodstuffs and furniture for the convenience of the soldiers. The Stamp Act was openly unfair to Americans. So, for example, in order to obtain the rights of a notary, in England it was necessary to pay 2 pounds sterling, and in America - 10. In addition, this was the first law on taxes that were intended directly for England, that is, it was beneficial only to England. Prior to this, taxes were used to develop infrastructure, trade, and industry in the Thirteen Colonies and were largely understood by the population.

The Virginia assembly saw in the stamp act a clear desire to reduce the freedom of Americans. In the same year, 1765, the so-called "Stamp Act Congress" met in New York, where the deputies of most of the colonies gathered; he drafted the Declaration of Rights and Grievances. In almost all colonies, organizations began to appear that called themselves the "Sons of Liberty." They burned effigies and houses of English officials.

So, subsequently, America separated from England, turning into an independent state.

In addition, according to the return of Uranus, 84 years ago, around the same time, but in 1938, the Japanese captured Guangzhou. In March, Nazi troops occupied Austria and later Hitler officially declared himself commander in chief. And in the United States, a wave of fear and hysteria was triggered by the radio broadcast by CBS of a play about the Martian invasion staged by Orson Welles at his Mercury Theatre.

The events themselves, described by the movements of the planets, already suggest certain thoughts: the struggle for freedom, liberation from usurpation in accordance with Pluto. Although, Uranus at the same time gave both the growth of fascist views and the growth of negativity towards Russia, a targeted attack company.

History follows the cycles of the planets and brings us a similar event outline, but at different vibrational levels. What we see now perfectly reflects this.

Thus, under the current energies, the space pushes us to unite and proclaim the freedom of the individual person, because it is behind it that the future of all mankind of the new era of Aquarius.

And of course, friends, do not forget that despite the general energy flows, it is very important to track your personal forecast. For you, we have been running a website with a variety of calculators for 10 years, and the forecast for transits and progressions is an extremely useful tool in tracking the cycles that your personality lives at any given time.