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Why can't you believe compatibility according to the signs of the zodiac? Discounts up to 50%

The theme of compatibility / synastry in astrology.

If you look at compatibility for your Sun sign (Leo and Sagittarius, Pisces and Scorpio) in popular magazines, read tips, forecasts, then I must upset you - the result will not be correct.


Studies have shown that the divorce rate between Sagittarius and Aries is about 31%, between Libra and Gemini - 37%, but between Cancer and Libra 35%. It can be seen that the Signs of the related elements of Air (Libra and Gemini) or Fire (Sagittarius and Aries) have the same chances to live safely and for a long time as the elements of completely different nature - Air and Water (Cancers and Libra). But the man - Aquarius and the woman Taurus - only 9% of divorces! This is the most stable pair of the Zodiac! Surprised?

There is no dependence on whether "friendly" (according to the elements) is a Sign for you or not.

It also clearly shows that there must be other factors that determine the duration and stability of the union, and not just the position of the Sun in the Sign of the Zodiac at the time of birth. But what are these factors? What affects the quality of a relationship?

These studies were carried out by SPBAA and headed by Sergei Shestopalov, under an agreement with the Cosmonaut Training Center of the Flight Test Institute in Zhukovsky in 1986. They were interested in this problem - the compatibility of people living side by side in a confined space for a rather long period of time. They had very difficult situations in orbit, when two or three astronauts, who were in space for several months, almost killed each other, sometimes very difficult conflict situations arose. There were even real threats of a complete curtailment of the flight program and an immediate landing, and these are huge financial losses...

They decided first of all to pay attention to conflicting couples. And at first they went along a very simple path - they took data from the personnel department, data on reprimands - the boss announces a reprimand to the subordinate. If the relationship between the boss and the subordinate has reached a conflict, then a reprimand is announced. As long as relations are good, there is no need for a reprimand, all issues can be resolved "amicably" and verbally agreed, there is no need to write threatening orders.

They took several dozen couples, their dates of birth, drew a cosmogram for each (a chart of the position of the planets at the time of birth) and superimposed these cosmograms on top of each other to look at the mutual aspects between the planets of these cosmograms. At the same time, they calculated the statistical probabilities of occurrence of certain aspects on average for a large number of people (say, for the number of residents of Moscow and the Moscow region). If astrology is nonsense and complete charlatanism, then in conflicting couples there can be no significant deviation from the average values ​​of the presence of aspects. They took aspects to 10 planets (from the Moon to Pluto).

And then they found that in conflict couples, some aspects are much more common than the "average for the country." It turned out that only aspects (moreover, tense ones) of the four planets affect compatibility. These four planets were called by them "conflict". It is the intense interactions of these planets (junctions, quadratures and oppositions) that are reliably distinguished in conflicting pairs. Along the way, they received scientific proof of the "operability" of astrology. We are really dealing with the laws of nature, the manifestations of which are objective and do not depend on the subjective position of specific people.

This study was conducted on a small sample of only about thirty people, so they did not consider it the ultimate truth, but only as a working hypothesis. More research was needed on the same topic. And they conducted this study, but already on married couples. They turned to the registry office of the Leninsky district of St. Petersburg, where they received data on marriages, dates of birth of spouses and divorces. Fortunately, the bureaucratic system of the USSR worked flawlessly and a notice of divorce always went to the registry office where it was concluded, regardless of where and when the court decided on the divorce. Still, total accounting and control is sometimes a good thing.

For the analysis, marriages were taken that were concluded in the period from 1965 to 1985, i.e. for 20 years. Thus, quite a long time has already passed, and the vast majority of incompatible unions have broken up. The total number of cases analyzed was 1800 couples. And they got two main samples: broken marriages and stable marriages. Conducted a statistical calculation for each of them - how they differ from each other.

As a result, the working hypothesis was confirmed. There are four main planets in the horoscope of each person, which were later called "conflict". It is their specific position in the chart and interaction with the planets in the partner's chart that gives conflict or non-conflict marriages. Comparison of the tense aspects of other planets showed no difference between these two groups of couples. And in broken marriages, and in strong alliances, these interactions were at the level of "average for the country." No correlation was observed. It turned out that the result of the relationship does not depend on the mutual aspects in pairs of other known planets, only these four "conflict" ones!

In parallel with this, they looked at the interaction of the Signs of the Zodiac and the interaction of the animals of the Eastern calendar. It turned out that the Eastern calendar works very well, indeed there are incompatible combinations, as they are described in the literature, and there are significantly more divorces in these combinations. As for the Signs of the Zodiac, a clear picture of compatibility / incompatibility has not been obtained.

So, based only on the interaction of the Signs of the Zodiac, it is impossible to conclude whether this union is bad or good, it is necessary to take into account four "conflict" planets that will unequivocally answer the question: will there be a break in relations in a couple?

You can do this right now on the site by going to the "Love Compatibility" calculator.

In the "Conflict Prediction" section, you will find out your own tendency to conflict, as well as the potential for a break in your couple. And in the Conflict Prediction calculator, you can even calculate when such dangerous periods come in which it is better to minimize communication.

Here you will also calculate the level of sexual need of each of the partners, the presence of sexual interest in each other; psychological comfort or discomfort, as well as a "gift" whether your partner is for you or an instrument of karma given to work on yourself. Do not neglect such an important analysis - it can save you years of unhappy relationships!

And in honor of Valentine's Day, we give you a 20% discount! You can get it here: https://astroforyou.org/en/payment-rules, or go to the Love Compatibility section from your current Profile and purchase the required number of points.

In addition, on Valentine's Day, we give a 50% discount on the analysis of your love relationship with a professional astrologer, Anna Raight. The offer is unique and will last for a limited amount of time. Anna will take no more than 5 people for analysis.

And we want to remind you that if you want to improve the theme of relationships in your life as a whole (since Like attracts Like), then you can always use our service Find Your High Luck Location of Residence by choosing a place with the Formula of Happiness in Relationships. Check how the Formulas work here.

Or find a place where you have the Love Formula in the Event Formula section. With this formula, we guarantee you that the main motivation for registering your union will be love. Ideally, you should have both. ;)

If the topic of relationships is interesting and you would like more interesting information, write to anna.astroforyou@gmail.com: "The topic of relationships is interesting!". And then we will continue to tell how astrologically you can influence this topic of life.

For any questions, you can write to us at anna.astroforyou@gmail.com