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Astro forecast: events of late 2021 - early 2022 (QR codes, new world order)

Events late 2021 - early 2022

Friends, you and I live in a difficult time - a time of transition from one era to another (a new system in the worldview, in politics, in the world order). This is the time of restructuring.

Back in early 2020, I described in detail the processes that we will face in the coming years, the periods through which we will go. 

Now I just want to detail some of the points that we will encounter in the coming months.

On November 19, 2021, there will be a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, and on December 4, 2021, there will be a Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. The so-called eclipse corridor.

During this period, at the deepest level, the topic of stability, primarily material, the desire to appropriate more material and non-material benefits will be touched upon. All this will pass into the phase of ideological catastrophe by December, since the eclipse in Sagittarius reflects our moral and ethical guidelines, the theme of science, religion and all large-scale social processes taking place in society. And thanks to the Black Moon, all the "dirt" accumulated over previous years will begin to surface. And this is good, because now we will be able to see it, and therefore remove it.

The fact is that, despite the fact that the period is very unstable and rather tough, we see that this unpleasant pressing energy is coming to its logical conclusion.

From 12/29/2021, the planet Jupiter, called the planet of great happiness in classical astrology, passes into the sign of Pisces. For Jupiter, this is a very natural position, which means that his best qualities will be shown: mutual assistance, help, support, justice. There will be inspiration, more mercy and humanity.

Therefore, those people who, under the energies of the planets descending to Earth, are trying to use them for their own purposes and to impose their New World Order, have a very limited time and it is rapidly coming to an end. If they can't plant it now (by the end of December), they won't be able to at all.

In addition, according to the Chinese calendar, from February 2022, the influence of the year of the Metal bull on the Water Tiger will change. Metal is a very sharp element that can cut so hard that it doesn't seem like a little. The energy of water is completely different: soft, enveloping.

And on 03/29/2022, the confrontation between Saturn and Uranus (old and new) will end, which all this time creates that very strong feeling of chaos, disorder, surrealism from everything that happens, and we will finally breathe a sigh of relief.

This does not mean that all difficulties will completely dissolve, but we will move on to another phase in a psychological sense. There is both inspiration and a clearer understanding of the current processes.

And the next very positive phase will be reached already starting from 03/08/2023.

Our planet, our Earth is now undergoing colossal changes at the cosmic level. I will only mention that on January 31, 2017, for the first time in the entire history of observations, the Schumann resonance reached a frequency of more than 36 (normally the Schumann frequency is 8.6 Hz).

Brief explanation: There is such a physical quantity - the frequency or the Schumann resonance. This is a standing electromagnetic wave with a frequency of 7.8 Hz, arising from the interaction of radiation from the earth's surface and the lower boundary of the ionosphere ("breathing" of the earth). Soon after its discovery, it was noticed that the Schumann frequency coincides with the frequency of the so-called alpha rhythm of the human brain - a rhythm that appears only in sleep or meditation. The mystics immediately put the Schumann resonance in charge of telepathy and clairvoyance, and everyone else began to puzzle over what effect this frequency had on human evolution. They have not yet come to a consensus, but they agreed that this is all for a reason.

Those changes are global and we are only embedded in these processes, resonating in one way or another.

The position of the planets reflects that the coming years are a period of restructuring, a change in the political and state structure, a change in ideology. And in 2022 such dramatic changes are expected (but positive).

Ultimately, we have almost passed the most difficult phase, then all the negative will dissolve more and faster.

The best thing we can do now to live this period as positively as possible is to take responsibility for our choices and our actions. Make decisions ONLY from the heart, only from a feeling of love and by no means from fear.

Now, in November-December 2021, they are still intensively "shaking up" the situation, but by April we will already feel much better. The main thing is not to "get involved" in provocations, be sure of your choice and of your truth.

Remember that each of us lives an individual destiny with a very specific realization of certain events.

You can always make your own individual forecast on AstroForYou: https://astroforyou.org/en/independed/transits-now

Or contact our astrologers for a personal consultation on the forecast for the coming year: https://astroforyou.org/en/individual

I wish you peace in your heart.

Your astrologer,
Anna Raight