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Parent-ordered marriage - why is it important to analyze compatibility with your partner?

Friends, I would like to talk with you about compatibility.

As we know, relationships are always multifaceted and people experience their absolutely unique emotions and feelings when they enter into partnerships. However, there are the most important factors on the basis of which one can judge the quality and even the duration of the relationship. And conclude: is it worth entering into such a relationship at all?

On our website such a full-fledged scientific analysis of the Compatibility of two people is presented, you can find it at the link: https://astroforyou.ru/ru/independed/synastry

First of all, I would like to give an example of the work of this analysis in real life from the scientist himself who conducted research on this topic (S.V. Shestopalov). The analysis is carried out on the basis of factors of sexual compatibility, general psychology, as well as conflicts in a couple, the feeling of happiness / unhappiness is considered - is it there (yes, this is an absolutely measurable value).

For example:

"The woman was born in 1949 in Leningrad (St. Petersburg). Her husband was born in 1938.

In this case, the marriage was contracted under the influence of the parents, i.e. Mom and Dad were told, and the daughter got married, whom they ordered. Military husband (parents decided that this is the best game for their daughter).

First, we look at the sex planets.

The Sun (F) does not interact with the partner's sexual planets. Mars (F) in the same position. Complete lack of sex.

Moon (F) in conjunction with the Sun (M), Venus (F) in square with the Sun (M).

Those. there is some interaction at the level of external compatibility. Parents, probably, bought into this, put them next to each other, looked - they look normal, I'll marry. But this is a very precarious basis for marriage.

Moon (F) sextile with the Moon (M), Venus (F) in trine with Venus (M), there is psychological compatibility, sympathy. This interaction seems to have persuaded the woman to agree with the parental mandate. If there was nothing at all, then, usually, run away from home or something like that.

Now we look at the conflicting planets. A woman is not a conflict person, a man is also not a conflict person. Not bad. The partners have mutual aspects of the conflicting planets. Jupiter (F) in opposition to Pluto (M), Saturn (F) in opposition to Jupiter (M) and Mars (F) in square with Mars (M). There are three aspects, but unexcited planets participate in them, i.e. if desired, the emerging conflicts can be smoothed out.

In normal and long-term unions, this occurs - but there should be good compatibility at other levels.

Saturn (F) in square with the Sun (M). The seal of misfortune. The wife exerts great psychological pressure. The husband experiences such a situation all the more painfully because he is much older than her, but it turns out that the wife is here in the role of a tough teacher, whipping a careless student with rods. For a man, and even a military man, this is a very humiliating situation. And the man here reacted by the fact that in response to her instructions (Jupiter (F) in opposition to Pluto (M)) he fought, "giving back" (Mars in squares) or tried to intimidate and crush her psychologically. His wife paid him with contemptuous silence (Saturn (F) in opposition to Jupiter (M)) or periodically "slammed the door", calling the whole world to witness what a bad husband she had. The wife endured for a long time, about 20 years. In the end, she filed for divorce. In the opinion of an astrologer, a divorce should be much earlier (and it is better not to enter into such a marriage at all).

This example shows us that interference in the sphere of personal relationships of any people (even the most dear ones) does not always lead to a positive result. I have many more real-life practical examples when the interference of parents in the private life of their children was not beneficial and led to family dramas.

Only a specialist, a synastric astrologer, can give a correct assessment of the alliance being formed. And even in this case, the last word remains only with the person himself. This is what the preliminary compatibility analysis looks like on AstroForYou.org

Also, you can see there a full description of all important parameters, even if you do not know the mechanics of determining the compatibility of two people.

This story continues.

This woman, freed from her hated husband and, apparently, intoxicated from freedom, found herself in a whirlpool of a stormy love adventure with a young man, just 20 years younger than her. The circumstances of acquaintance are interesting.

She divorced her husband and began to change the apartment. The real estate agent who did it fell in love with her. We look at sexual compatibility. The Sun (F) is sextile with the Moon (M), and Mars (F) is also sextile with the Moon (M). Wonderful. No comparison with her ex-husband. Next, there is external compatibility. The Moon (F) and Venus (F) are not aspected by the Sun (M) and Mars (M). Well, it’s not really necessary.

Psychological contact. Moon (F) sextile with Venus (M). Conversely, Venus (F) sextile the Moon (M). Aspects, however, are weak, on the verge of an orb, but still there is sympathy.

Conflicting planets. Looking at the aspectual picture, you immediately notice that there is little red in general and only two pairs of conflicting planets are involved in this "red" - Mars (W) in square with Mars (M) and Mars (F) in opposition to Pluto (M). There are only two indications of conflict, well, they will fight somehow, then they will make up. Saturn (M) and Saturn (F) do not damage the luminaries of partners. Already good.

Jupiter (F) trine the Sun (M). The guy was happy.

How did it end?

Believe it or not, the official registration of marriage, moreover, at the insistence of a young man (still - under the influence of Jupiter!). The two found each other."

In my personal practice, there have been many such cases, and even to look at famous couples from an astrological prism is worth it - Analysis of Love Compatibility using the example of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie on your own on the site.

Soon will be ready a short course about how to calculate compatibility *))

You can evaluate the relationship you are in right now: https://astroforyou.ru/ru/independed/synastry
When you open 2 access for 1 year, you can view yourself with an unlimited number of partners!

If you have an individual situation, you can always contact us for advice by writing to anna.astroforyou@gmail.com.